Calamus and apex-locator
After the series of demineralising solutions and disinfection procedures, an enlarged canal must be filled hermetically.
For this purpose we preferably use the methods of filling by heated gutta‐percha, namely by vertical condensation with a device Calamus, and also by Protaper Obturators which jointly show a high extent of flowing in and closing of a root canal.
For each treatment of root canals the determination of root length is essential. Apex‐locator is a device which, by repeated measuring of conductibility and resistance of tissues can evaluate‐with the accuracy of one tenth of millimetre ‐where in the root canal the end‐piece of a root device is located. Thanks to this fact the canal can be filled exactly up to the apex, and thus the treatment is improved and it prolongs the life‐time of a tooth.
Rotary endodontics
At the turn of millennium the quality and methods of root canals treatment went through a revolutionary process, mainly due to the reason that Nickel‐Titan (NiTi) alloys used for the manufacturing of root tools were introduced. Thanks to high flexibility of these tools, nowadays it is possible to treat also root canals with a high level of curvature and enlarge them from inside so as to reach a wished effect by subsequent disinfection and filling.
To speed up work and to improve the control of the instruments, an endomotor has been developed by which root canals can be instrumented mechanically. During whole work the endomotor evaluates the power of load which affects a rotating tool in a canal ,and once a critical value is exceeded, it automatically starts a back stroke. Thereby the risk of tool stucking in a tooth canal is substantially decreased.
Since 2010 we have been using WaveOne system for instrumenting of root canals ‐ with a reciprocal movement of the files, which speeded up and also made the preparation of canals more effective.
Radiovisiography is technology for displaying tissues similar to x‐ray; however, it doesn´t scan a picture on a film negative but on a computer controlled sensor. The advantage of RVG is its speed, decrease of radiation dose by 80% compared to standard X‐ray examination, and also the possibility of finishing of the picture in a computer (measurement of length, adjustment of brightness, contrast and colours, determining relative density of a bone etc.)
Rubber dam
To avoid the contamination of a tooth by bacteria, saliva, blood, etc. during the works on a tooth, we use so called rubber dam for the majority of works. The principle is based on making a hole in a clean latex or vinyl membrane which is then pulled over the tooth, alternatively on the group of teeth. The membrane is fixed on the border teeth by metal clamps or rubber bands, and thus its stabile position is secured. By its own flexibility the membrane adheres on the necks of teeth and makes a barrier not only against the saliva and bacteria from the mouth to a preparation field, but also vice‐versa.
The patient is thus protected against inhalation or ingestion of devices , burns or other damage caused by the doctor.
So as to carry out quality work also in the places where one´s eye can´t see, we very successfully use a dental icroscope. Thanks to it, the doctor has an exact picture of the situation, thus he can make a better decision and can provide a client with a higher quality treatment. The microscope enables a dentist to emerge into the world the existence of which he only forefelt. Thanks to it, the details which could lead to a shorter lifetime or to the loss of the reconstructions made won´t be overlooked.
If the quality of treatment and client´s satisfaction is a priority, a high hygienic standard is a condition. We use disposable gloves, mask and shield even at the smallest interventions.
Autoclave DAC
During the day we use many sets of contaangles and turbine handpieces which are continually autoclaved (a higher form of sterilization under pressure), so each patient is treated with 100% harmless handpiece.
Zirc Tray System
According to the kind of performance expected, each client has in advance autoclaved set for treatment, which consists of examining and working tools, drills, polishing needs, suctions tips and possibly tools for root canal treatment or tools for dental hygiene.
Only few people realize that majority of the problems in an oral cavity are caused by infection. Also caries, pulp inflammation, gingivitis, aphthae, herpes and many other states are caused by microorganism infection of hard and soft tissues.
To expose the affected area to concentrated ozone is a very elegant solution how to eliminate microorganisms from tissues safely, quickly and very effectively, and thus the cause of problems is removed. Compared to disinfection solutions which remain on surface, ozone can penetrate into the tissue into the depth of 4‐11mm. Compared to antibiotics, it effects locally without overall toxic effects and microorganisms are not able to make resistance against it. Within milliseconds, ozone kills 99,99% of microorganisms and there is no ozone allergy.
We successfully use the ozone effects when treating deep caries, canal roots, periodontitis, after‐extraction wounds, herpes, anguli infectiossi, aphthae etc.
CEREC – (CEramic REConstruction) is high‐tech resolution for replacing the missing dental tissues.
Using this technology we can produce inlays (small restorations), onlays (replacing one or more dental cusps), overlays (replacing whole crowns), crowns, short bridges and veneers.
Restorations are produced using intraoral scanner, creating 3D digital model of teeth, designing the missing part and milling it on 3D milling machine from ceramic material. Restoration is polished, stained if needed, glazed and adhesively luted to the tooth. Final restoration fully substitutes missing dental tissues in esthetics, as well as in function.
Calamus and apex-locator
Rotary endodontics
Rubber dam
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