Aesthetic reconstructions
During their life, people often lose their dental tissues due to cavities, accidents or repeated fillings. Our philosophy is to renew the original appearance and functionality of teeth by minimally invasive methods. In practice it means that when reconstructing teeth, we are considerate of one´s own dental tissues and we treat them carefully, because their loss is irreversible.
Composite restorations
We believe that nowadays nobody has to have in one´s mouth fillings which even a laicus can recognize from the distance of several meters. With the majority of up‐to –date photocomposite fillings (so called “white fillings”) a skilled doctor can make the restorations which can fully substitute the lost parts of a tooth not only functionally, but also aesthetically. It applies not only to front but also to rear teeth.
It is obvious that during the work we normally use rubber dam (which secures dry working area, and thus also longlife of filling on a tooth), up‐to‐date section matrix systems (in inter‐dental space they will shape restorations ideally, so that there won´t stay any food leftovers; we follow prescribed composite layering (important to minimize the risk of gap creation between a tooth and filling, and thus it prevents caries re‐occurrence); we disinfect prepared teeth (because caries is the infection of hard dental tissues) and we use only top‐quality materials to reach highly aesthetic and long‐life works. It is necessary to have enough time to meet these principles, and therefore we reserve not less than one hour for each patient.
In my practice I often meet patients who are not satisfied with colour, shape and size of their front teeth; alternatively, their don´t like low aesthetic level of multiple fillings in a visible part of their teeth. One of possibilities how to change such an unattractive smile to almost a perfect look is so called dental veneering. During this procedure dentist will replace all inappropriate fillings on a particular teeth, then he will grind their front side approximately by 1 mm and, at a following appointment, he will attach so called “veneers” or “ shells”, which fit to the patient´s idea concerning their shape and colour. If a patient has very high expectations regarding the future aesthetics, it is suitable to whiten the teeth before the application of veneers.
Indirect restorations (Onlays, Overlays)
When loss of dental tissues is more extensive, it is sometimes possible, by a certain procedure, to prepare a tooth, and subsequently create a filling on a mold, which will be cemented back to its place in the tooth. Applying this procedure we can avoid crowning of a tooth, which would mean far bigger loss of dental tissues.
Fibers reinforced composite bridges
In everyday practice dentist often meet patients who have lost one tooth from a relatively well‐preserved dental arch. A very advantageous possibility how to substitute one missing tooth is a fiber reinforced composite bridge. This innovative solution resides in sticking the bundle of several thousand glass fibres to the teeth neighbouring to a gap, whereby they need only minimal tooling and roughening. Then, on thus polymerized bundle of glass fibres, the dentist forms a new tooth from photocomposite, which aesthetically and functionally substitutes the original tooth. The idea of this procedures resides just in minimal or no devastation of other teeth, in high aesthetics, and also in short time, in which the patient can get a replacement. Whole procedure usually takes place at one appointment and considering the price, it is the most affordable solution of the replacement of a lost tooth.
Teeth whitening
The least invasive technique how to make your smile more beautiful. Despite a lot of prejudices, so far no damage to teeth has been scientifically evidenced when applied under control.
After thorough cleaning of teeth, tailored plastic templates are made which, in the evening , a patient will fill with whitening gel, put them on his teeth and will go to sleep with them. Depending on the level of tooth colouring, 6 to 10 nights are needed to whiten them; whitening is highly effective and long‐lasting though (from 1‐3 years depending on patient´s regimen), and after that time it is possible to repeat whitening for 2‐3 nights.
Dental hygiene
It is very often neglected, but it is perhaps most important procedure in a dentist´s surgery. Under the supervision of an experienced and pleasant dental hygienist , a patient has not only his teeth professionally cleaned, but he is also instructed on correct technique of teeth cleaning; he is recommended of appropriate tools for oral hygiene and his status is continuously monitored. We believe that correct hygienic habits are the most important factors which help to keep an oral cavity healthy, without caries and gingivitis, and they are important for long‐term utility of our works.
(Root canals therapy)
It happens very often that due to very deep caries, injury or pre‐prosthetics preparation it is necessary to” take out a nerve” from an affected tooth, to widen the canals in its roots to demanded size, to clean it and then to fill it up hermetically. A treated tooth stays in its original place and fulfils its function. When tooling the canals, we mostly use rotary nickel‐titan instruments; the work is regularly checked by apex‐locator and radio‐visiography and subsequently, we fill the canals by heated gutta‐percha (vertical‐condensation or obturators). While the treatment is in progress, we control it by dental surgical microscope and it is completely painless.
Prosthetics treatment
When it is impossible to treat the defects of teeth in preserving way, very often the only solution is a prosthetic reconstruction. If, due to any reason, tooth destruction occurs, the defect will be completed by composite material and subsequently, the tooth will be ground approximately by 1‐2mm from each side. From a thus prepared pillar and by a tooth impression, the model of the tooth will be made, on which a dental technician will make a crown. During whole that phase which lasts cca. two weeks , the patient´s ground tooth is covered by a temporary crown which prevents sensitivity and contamination of the ground dentine by bacteria.
Thanks to temporary crown the patient can, during all that time, fully participate in a social life; he has no problems
with speech nor when eating.
After above mentioned two weeks, a definite crown is cemented on the patient´s ground tooth, whereby its look and function is rehabilitated.
If a patient has lost one or more teeth, it is possible to grind the teeth neighbouring to a gap in the same way as the crown, and subsequently a dental technician will make a construction on the teeth, bridging the gap between those two teeth. We call such construction a bridge. Basically, it consists of two or more crowns between which the substitute of the missing tooth is carried.
The crowns, as well as bridges may be created from different materials, depending on aesthetics demands of a client.
Surgical treatment
In our surgery we provide all basic surgical treatments, in peaceful atmosphere and painlessly; more complicated or implant treatment will be arranged at trusted specialists.
Aesthetic reconstructions
Teeth whitening
Dental Hygiene
Prosthetics treatment
Surgical treatment
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